play pause daigos | mix series
about us

Om Being is not just a movement studio. Yes we do yoga and yes this is an important part of what we do. But coming to Om Being is all about entering into an expansive space of being within yourself and the community around you. Practicing with us is more about how you FEEL rather than how you look and/or what pose you can or can't do. We're here to help you feel connected with yourself and the people around you, tapping you back into the vast intelligence of your body and reconnecting you to an embodied state of being, less identified with the mind and more at peace within yourself.

Om Being is a space that also offers you an antidote to modern disconnection, where festival spirit exists everyday through movement, music and community, activating a collective connectivity within all of us that is so often buried by the calcification of consciousness from culture, capitalism and our individualistically driven society. Simply put, we want you to be held by community and in love with life, FEELING CONNECTED EVERYDAY. 

For those of you who have never tried a movement practice, Om Being is the place to start. We welcome anyone to the mat, especially those who have been previously put off by the aesthetics of yoga. Come practice in your jeans if you want to! We want to encourage new audiences to the mat, skaters, creatives, musicians, DJs, all to discover how embodiment practices can enhance your life, your work, your wellbeing, while being treated by the best tunes, on the best sound system and guided by some of the best teachers in London.

Why come to Om Being?

⇾ If you've never tried yoga.

⇾ If you're someone who wants to wear baggy clothes during practice.

⇾ If you love a good sound system.

⇾ If you're an inner-being and want a non-judgemental space to study the Self.

⇾ If you want to be part of a conscious connected community.

⇾ If you like a cosy, warm, inviting space to practice in

⇾ If you want to not feel like a sardine during practice.

What makes Om Being different?

⇾ We care about you as a human BEING.

⇾ We focus on the philosophical part of practice and how it helps to make you feel connected.

⇾ We collaborate with sound artists & DJs to curate our own library of mixes specifically designed for each class. We invite DJs each week to perform live during class, for a unique sound journey experience.

⇾ Our classes are capped at 15 people for optimum space to practice.

⇾ We bring together some of the most experimental and skilled practitioners in London, committed to helping you connect to your magic.

⇾ We believe in community and curate regular member meet ups and adequate time after practice to integrate and connect with one another.