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January 22 – +
We’ve been hunkering down in the studio today, on the new sofa (shoutout to Jordan!) with London nootropics coffee fuelling us.
Before we get into it, just a quick bit of Hackney Downs housekeeping! You may have noticed a few walls missing - the place is having a big makeover between now and Spring with a whole new reception, exhibition space and showers. Inevitably, there will be some sound disruption during this period so please bear with us. Sound proofing curtains are going to be installed soon!
We’ve been pondering on the topic of community and interconnectedness as Dom was inspired by a question posed by Tiffany during class yesterday: Why do we choose to practise in a studio as opposed to at home?
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
While a home practice definitely has its own sacred space, there is a special synergy to be found in moving, breathing and resting together. Polyvagal theory (something I’ve been delving into recently) shows that when we practise together, our nervous systems attune to one another - we co-regulate. How magical is that?
If we look to nature we can see the inherent interconnectedness of life - take mycelial networks, for example, networks of fungal threads that connect plants and tress underground, sharing nutrients and information. Just like mushrooms, we thrive and survive via connection and nourishment from one other. As inherently social beings, we are meant to be co-regulating often, but we live in a society that often discourages it.
Realising our interconnectedness is at the core of everything we’re doing at Om Being. We want to activate that deeper part within ourselves that has been calcified by culture, capitalism and individualism, through an omnipresent togetherness in everything we do.
From practising together in the studio, to listening together at our deep listening nights, and dancing together at our club nights.
…speaking of which, our next club night at The Waiting Room is just around the corner. Join us on Saturday 8 February from 10pm till late. Same as last time, we’re offering a free class with every ticket. We highly recommend booking in for psychedelic breath with Kristina and letting the effects carry you onto the dance floor!
Can’t wait to continue building our network of connection and nourishment on the dance floor with you all.
All our love,
Becca & Dom
P.S If you were reading last week, you’ll be pleased to hear The Colour Monster book is now available in the Om Being library. Shoutout to Taleen for the wonderful new addition!
January 29 – +
Hello everyone!
Happy new moon! Anyone feeling the power of it today?
Firstly, for those of you who joined us this month, big shout out to you. Thank you for sharing your energy with the space, we love and appreciate each of you. It’s amazing to see all the new connections forming at the studio and how that is rippling outward around the space and beyond.
Today, marks a new moon and a new chapter for the newsletter. Our beloved Becca is going to be taking a little hiatus away from your weekly digest (gasp)….but don’t worry, still join her in the studio with her usual dose of electric energy, every Wednesday at 1230 and her new one on Friday at 1700. For now, I want to thank Becca for being such an integral part of developing the newsletter over the last few months. We really found such flow with it, always tuning into the present moment, meeting new people, finding random places to write and inspire this little bit of human commentary every week for you. Will miss you Becca!
So while I sit on our sorry looking sofa outside the studio as the hallway has a makeover and embarks on it’s own new journey of existence, I try to think where to take you and the newsletter next. For now, it’s simple one and the ‘success’ tarot card I pulled earlier. An image of a man sitting on top of a tiger, confetti flying around him and inside the celebration is an important message… to remember not to hold onto the success in a hope to keep the feeling forever…enjoy it but know everything will pass.
with love as always,
Dom X
PS. Shout out to Ellen (pic above) and all the helpers who chip in at the studio throughout the week to keep things going. Couldn’t do this without you.