play pause daigos | mix series

Class Mixes

Discover our growing library of mixes crafted for class. Practice to sound journeys seamlessly mixed to flow with your practice, always starting and ending gently.

Savasana has never sounded so good.

Guest Mixes

We invite the music community to play live to classes in the studio, streaming live on our radio player, bringing new sounds to the studio and continuing to inspire a deeper understanding of how sound and somatic practice combine.

Mix Series

The mix series is an opportunity for artists in London and further afield to explore sound journeys more experimentally, keeping in mind how sound and somatic practice overlap. We collaborate with a visual artist for each 12 week series, producing cover artwork inspired by the theme of blossoming flowers.

This mix series artwork is by French illustrator and artist Coline L'Achiver titled 'the Listening Gardens'.