play pause daigos | mix series

The cornerstone of any movement studio is it's community of practitioners. We're blessed to bring together some of the most experimental teachers in London, each committed to bringing you back to your baseline being, an embodied state of awareness, through various modalities in movement, meditation, breathwork and alternative holistic healings techniques.

  • Adriana Scala +

    Hatha Flow
    Thursday | 0700

    Adriana is a yoga teacher specialising in Dynamic Vinyasa with a playful, juicy flare, all about shaking off the dust and listening to your body. Coming from a boxing and martial arts background, finding strength and power in stillness and steadiness is a practice that's important to me, that slips into my practice and allows space for compassion, freedom and flexibility.


  • Becca Raeburn +

    Through her teaching Becca hopes to create a space for her students to feel empowered to make the practice their own. She will always offer a range of variations and modifications for you to choose from depending on what your energy levels are feeling most aligned to. She invites you to explore outside of the box, letting go of how a pose looks, and instead allowing the physical sensations and the rhythm of your breath guide each movement. She hopes that you’ll come away from her classes feeling a little bit lighter than when you entered, and more connected to yourself - mentally, physically and energetically. 

    Yang to Yin
    Wednesday | 1230

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  • Bex Landale +

    | covering and workshop practitioner

    Bex is a nutritional therapist, yoga teacher, and DJ based in hackney. Nature’s wildness, energy and synchronicity is Bex’s inspiration, and this is reflected in both her classes and the music she plays alongside them.

    When practicing with Bex, expect creative movement which will bring you back into your body and into the present. For her, asana is an opportunity to explore the self, the emotions that arise as we connect with it, and to ultimately find the breath that allows this experience to pass through us.

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  • Emily Lisanti +

    Yoga & Meditation
    Thursday 2000

    Emily Lisanti is a certified Yoga, Qigong & Meditation Teacher. After experiencing some health challenges she turned to the art of self healing through mindful movement and her entire life changed for the better. The beautiful practices of Yoga, Qigong and Meditation helped her to return to a state of balance within mind, body and spirit. Her mission is to help others reunite with their inner light and find the joy within.


  • Emma Tian Williamson +

    Qi Flow
    Monday | 2000-2100

    Emma is a yoga, mindfulness and qigong teacher with an approach which focuses on mind and body awareness through embodied movement and fluid breath. Her classes balance softness and strength, inviting you to move dynamically while creating space to tune into your subtle experience. She likes to weave strong as well as feel good poses through fluid sequences, encouraging you to flow through a moving meditation all the way to savasana. For Emma, movement and meditation are her antidotes to stress and modern life, what she loves most about teaching is passing these tools on to others.


  • Gaby Conn +

    4 Beat yoga
    Thursdays | 1830

    Gaby is a former professional contemporary dancer, and has practiced 4-Beat yoga, along with various other styles, for over 10 years. She did her training with Marcus Veda and Hannah Whittingham at the Good Life Yoga School, and is an assistant to Marcus. She likes teaching a very dynamic, playful, and challenging class, with lots of autonomy and freedom given to the student; and, as a former dancer, the rhythmic element to 4-Beat has always really resonated as a way of facilitating moving meditation.


  • Hannah Blank +

    Wednesday | 2000

    Hannah is a certified breathwork facilitator and yoga teacher specialising in a unique style of pranayama breathwork. Her teaching style is down-to-earth and authentic with her teachings coming from the heart and drawn from personal experience. She brings a kind and nurturing quality to her classes and keeps them light hearted, quirky and fun. Hannah has her own daily practice of yoga, breathwork and meditation with all three having a profound positive effect on her physical and mental wellbeing, helping her work through a past of mental health challenges. the breath in particular helping her to create a healthy mindset and positive outlook for the future. 

    Hannah has fallen in love with the breath and the benefits it can bring to the body and hopes to guide others into slowing down, dropping in and finding that sparkle within themselves - a moment to simply just be.


  • Helen Callaghan +

    Slow Flow
    Thursday | 1230

    While traveling through Sri Lanka, Helen met a kindred spirit who shared many similarities with her, including age, height, shape, and a shared vibe. This individual had recently completed her yoga teacher training, prompting her to question the norms she had perceived. She had never seen someone like herself as a yoga teacher, believing that the space was reserved for certain body types, often clad in matching Lululemon outfits and demonstrating a specific level of flexibility. Her new friend reassured her that yoga is for everyone, and in that moment, she realised she could teach yoga too, allowing her to pursue a passion she had felt unworthy of.

    Despite practicing yoga for 12 years and understanding most poses and the basics of yoga philosophy, she had never felt “worthy” or good enough in her practice. She often berated herself for not achieving certain postures or for not looking like her classmates, feeling continually let down by her own body. Nevertheless, she continued to practice despite these feelings, which she recognised was what truly mattered.

    Her intention with teaching is to convey that yoga is not about what one wears, whether they can do a headstand, or how long they’ve been practicing. Her classes aim to eliminate any stigma associated with yoga, creating a space for individuals to explore their personal relationship with the practice. She invites participants to nourish their physical and energetic bodies in a non-judgmental environment that encourages exploration.


  • Jess Owen +

    Hatha Flow
    Monday | 1830
    Saturday | 1030

    Grateful to have spent half of my life in a studio or on stage, movement has always been a joy! Dance has taught me discipline and importance of community while inspiring exploration and creativity. Exploring what the body is capable of should be a playful experience and I love to support those in finding their flow. Connection to the self though breathwork and movement is always the intentions of my classes, sharing a smile is a bonus! Being a guide and a witness to yoga's transformative potential is something I truly cherish. Come satisfy your craving to connect in a yoga class filled by curiosity!


  • Joana Freitas +

    Yin Yoga
    Sunday | 1800-1900

    Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice focusing on deep stretching and longer-held poses, targeting connective tissues. Embracing stillness, it enhances flexibility, releases tension, and stimulates energy flow through meridians. This meditative approach encourages self-reflection, mindfulness, and a profound sense of relaxation, promoting balance and well-being in body and mind.


  • Jonathan Golding +

    Saturday | 1200-1300

    Jono is a Barbadian born yin, ashtanga, vinyasa and rocket yoga teacher. Jono strongly believes that yoga is accessible for everyone no matter your age, gender or level of flexibility. He is an island boy who fell in love with yoga because of the way it made him feel once he stepped off the mat. His classes are a dynamic flow guided by your breath aimed to improve your strength & flexibility while providing a safe space to unwind and challenge yourself. Expect lots of fun and maybe a few drills :)


  • Jordan Mae +

    Flow State
    Tuesday | 1230-1330

    Melt session w/ live DJ steaming live on Om Radio
    Friday | 1830-1930

    "Yoga is a way of life for Jordan and the passion she has for her craft is evident. One can expect her classes to truly be an experience that can energise the soul and help you transcend to a higher state.  Jordan’s intensive theatre and dance background led her onto an explorative journey searching for different modalities that inspired and nourished her the same way her daily dance training did. After experiencing her first Yoga class she knew she had found a practice that activated both physical and mental growth. 

    After practising religiously for several years she realised she wanted to turn her passion into her work. She studied under Cory Wu completing her Ashtanga Vinyasa teacher training and decided to stay in Asia to continue her studies. She travelled through Vietnam, Costa Rica and Canada as both a student and teacher until choosing to land in London where she continues her studies, runs an online Yoga studio, teaches 1:1 personalised sessions and group classes in studios across London and hosts retreats all over the world. She is currently focusing on bringing Yoga to functional therapy working closely with a group of practitioners at a Harley Street medical clinic."


  • Lea Orož +

    Dynamic Vinyasa
    Friday | 0700

    Lea is an international performance artist, choreographer, and qualified yoga teacher with Slovenian and Serbian heritage, currently living in London. The nature of her work often speaks to the human experience, exploring the limits and possibilities of the body and mind.

    As a performer, she has collaborated with various choreographers, artists, and institutions, including Holly Blakey, Benjamin Jonsson, Maxine Doyle, Jose Agudo, Temper Theatre, and the Royal Opera House, as well as commercial brands like Roksanda, Barbour, Another Magazine, and Loewe.

    Throughout her career, she experienced an injury that prompted a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body, as well as its anatomy and functionality. Her journey, curiosity, and passion for exploring her body fuel her artistry and teachings. She aims to share her experiences and knowledge with others to support their own journeys.

  • Loretta Jasmine +

    Embodied Flow
    Thursday | 0830-0930

    Lorretta's practice over the years has gradually become more somatic, allowing her body to guide the movements and less so the mind ~ allowing her to fully surrender to self, letting intuition guide the way to release and navigate herself and her emotions. This way of moving now informs her practice and she hopes to share this tool with others.​ During classes she always encourage students to listen to and trust the subtleties of the body throughout their practice - whilst weaving intuitive and somatic movement with the dynamic flow of vinyasa. Through movement and exploration she hopes to bring people out of their heads and back into their bodies.


  • Kimberley Ling +

    Having worked in the relentless worlds of fashion, design and tech for many years, she credits yoga for saving her life on more than one occasion. She now shares its undeniable healing powers in her signature playful, poetic, and expressive style. 

    Kim is a Yin and Vinyasa teacher who fuses Tai Chi, functional movement, and storytelling. She is also a Reiki Master and sound practitioner who often incorporates these healing modalities into her sessions to take you on a deeper journey within. 

    Facial Flow
    Friday | 0830-0930


  • Ita Ofner +

    Ashtanga Flow
    Wednesday | 0700

    Ita specialises in active and dynamic yoga, with a particular focus on Ashtanga. His classes prioritise a strong breath awareness throughout while offering a fulfilling challenge by integrating meditation into movement.

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  • Marta Puccio +

    Vinyasa Flow
    Monday | 0730-0830

    Marta is passionate about movement and has always been fascinated by how this physical practice can positively affect people. With her teaching she wants to be inspired and in turn inspire others to have a healthy relationship with themselves, connect with their inner self and develop a positive approach that will lead to living a more balanced and grounded life.


  • Nikki Wilkins +

    4 Beat yoga
    Sunday | 1130-1230

    In 2010 a physiotherapist ordered me to yoga to try and fix my knee - weak quads and imbalances had caused patella tracking and dislocation injuries since my teens. As so many yoga stories go, the knee improved, and then everything about my life began to change. From hot yoga, forrest, Jivamukti and Ashtanga, I tried it all and on a quest to get closer to the philosophy and authenticity of yoga, and shook by his eclectic soundtracks I took Yogasana 200 hour TT in 2015 with Stewart Gilchrist.

    Trauma training with Yogamala, 20 hours pranayama with Richard Rosen, 8 hours pranayama with Alaric Newcombe, 10 hours with Leslie Kaminoff at The Breathing Project, Teaching Beginners TT with Jason Crandell. Then came a practise which changed everything, 4-beat yoga, a practise of synchronising breath to beat, the birth child of Marcus Veda - with who I went on to complete 50 hours Rocket/20 hours Yin (also with Hannah Whittingham.) I share my love for 4-beat dynamic vinyasa across London. I am eternally grateful to the teachers who inspired me to uncover my own strength and above all, the breath.


  • Om Dream +

    om dream is a sound, image and movement artist which acts to represent not a person but a specific field of perception using mutliple mediums each as a lens into an expansive quality of awareness.

    Frequency Massage
    Sunday | 1930-2030 | Fortnightly

  • Poppy Doorbar +

    Mandala yoga
    Wednesday | 0830-0930

    Dynamic flow
    Wednesday | 1830-1930

    Power yoga
    Friday | 1230-1330

    Poppy is a yoga instructor, masseuse and a training sports therapist. Movement for poppy is more than the physical benefit, it’s her anchor and consistency when everything else around chops and changes. On a bigger level, she believes the real magic is what surrounds movement. The people. The community. The kindred souls that help make a big (sometimes lonely) city like London feel like a village.

    As a yoga teacher, Poppy is all about leaving people feeling empowered to move and breathe authentically. To dissolve any self-deprivation, doubt and to feed self-acceptance and curiosity. She encourages autonomy and creativity in her classes for people to tailor their practice to themselves and what they might be needing on that day. Be prepared to be challenged, have a wiggle and laugh along the way!


  • Saffron Inch +

    Shakti Vinyasa
    Tuesday | 18.30-1930

    Primal Vinyasa
    Saturday | 0900-1000

    Saffron, yoga instructor and sound healer seeks to re-ignite the curiosity we hold as animals on this earth. Saffron offers space for us to connect to our sensory selves as we breathe, move, listen together and discover our own unique terrain to explore in this concrete city.

    She likes to teach with tides of life, so shares what resonates and feels authentic to her, some days guiding deeper, slower, contemplative flows and others more invigorating and detoxifying. With her experience teaching in mental health centres, she strives to empower others to find those moments of solace and connection, however that may show up for you.


  • Sarah Gallacher +

    Sarah likes to bring, transparency, fun and openness to mat. She completed her yoga teacher training in Costa Rica 6 years ago in vinyasa and restorative. She enjoys bringing energy to her practice, which often involves upbeat music and a bounce. The practice is creative, taking a slightly different twist to a yang/ yin practice often inspired by different music and yoga classes she has taken while travelling. For her yoga is a sense of expression, a way to focus energy, keep active and have fun.

    | back in January 2025


  • Shona Slemon +

    | covering

    Nurture your mind-body-nature connection 🌿

    Midweek rituals to regulate, reset and bring us back to our roots. Realign with the nature in and around you in this soulful 60-minute flow blending Yoga, somatics, creative movement, Pranayama and meditation. Kin Flow is a joyful resistance to modern disconnection. Celebrate the simple joy of rediscovering kinship—with your body, yourself, others, and the Earth. Modern self care inspired by ancient wisdom to find a little more harmony, play and rest in your everyday.


  • Sophia Bourne +

    | covering and resident workshops practitioner

    Sophia is a movement and meditation facilitator, her dogmatic approach is informed by her experience with zen meditation, qi gong, vinyasa, yin and somatics, to create contemplative, holistic sequences. She believes that practice is about opening the doors to our sensitivity and aliveness and meeting whatever is present in our body-minds.

    Her classes encourage students to tune in, and respond, to their internal worlds, with presence and spaciousness. Sophia believes that by moving in synchronicity with the natural world, we can better understand the needs of our individual and collective body.


  • Sophie Harbert +

    Detox Vinyasa
    Sunday | 1000-1100

    Having recently completed 200 hour YTT in London after 10 years of practice in the uk and further afar, Sophie is an enthusiastic new teacher excited to share her practice. Passionate about the fusion of music, movement and breath and their associated benefits on the body, mind and nervous system, Sophie offers creative, inclusive and dynamic flows. Her sequences help cultivate a sense of calm, allowing you to shift your emotional state and ground into the present moment, finding stillness and providing an escape away from the chaos of modern day city life.


  • Subi Bjorsen +

    4 Beat yoga
    Monday | 1230-1330

    Subi is trained in 4-beat, a dynamic vinyasa flow centred around aligning the breath to a steady beat of music, leading to a concentrated state of synchronous moving meditation. Having practiced yoga through a regular and dedicated practice for over a decade, she decided to deepen her practice and trained with 4-beat masters Hannah Whittingham and Marcus Veda. She has found profound power and stillness in moving to the breath and loves sharing this with others through her classes.


  • Tiffany Hamilton-Atkins +

    Dynamic Flow
    Tuesday | 0700-0800

    Tiffany is a yoga + embodiment teacher, student of non-dual Tantra, mystic and writer. She is endlessly awed by the mystery and how it shows up in her body, life, and being. As a yoga teacher, Body Temple Dance facilitator, and embodiment guide, she creates profoundly healing spaces for her students. Tiffany understands that yoga goes beyond the asana and so invites her students into a deep relationship with themselves, their bodies, with consciousness and with others. Her classes create the grounds for meaningful self-discovery; weaving philosophy, dynamic, challenging physical asana and slower, potent embodied movement sequences.


  • Valentina Olper +

    Valentina <3 works in the liminal waves across psychoanalysis, sound healing & psychedelic mysticism. She has been a practicing psychotherapist for the past eight years, working privately and in the NHS. She also trained as a transpersonal psychedelic therapist and focuses on the power of sound to access the deepest layers of our unconscious and facilitate psychedelic states, creating sonic impressions with different sound mediums to remove blockages in the psyche that prevent access to the thought patterns that lead to higher consciousness.
